Saturday, October 31st, Halloween 2015 saw the
Amador Sawmill & Mining Association mill in action cutting full dimension 2"x8" Douglas Fir boards to be used as new decking on the tender frame of the 165. This will be cut and fitted prior to replacing the water cistern and oil tank.
Charlie removing the original decking in Spring of 2013 |
Joining me at the Amador County Fairgrounds, the site of the vintage
sawmill, were The Spikes, Roger Stabler, and Paul Zaborsky of BAERA. The
plan was to have Charlie carry the cut lumber back over the Sierra in
his pickup, however; the fresh cut lumber proved too weighty. Lucky for
us, Bill Braun, president of the sawmill group, offered to trailer the
wood to Portola gratis, and we are very appreciative for his generosity.
The headrig at the Amador Sawmill. Normally run on steam, it was on diesel this time due to circumstances. |
Bill Braun, president of the organization, monitors volunteers working the "Green Chain". |
A trailer load of deck lumber bound for Portola. |
The lumber arrived the next Thursday. It is now stacked, drying in the shop until we are ready to get it bolted down to the tender frame. Again thanks to everyone who helped out unloading, including Charlie, Duane and Kirk. Thanks also to the Amador Sawmill group. Their work to preserve the history of logging and mining in the Sierra is of great benefit to the preservation community. Not to mention their lumber is of very high quality, nearly clear boards, almost too nice to cover up with a tender tank! -