I hope you are having a wonderful Spring and are ready for another Summer season. The Steam Team in Portola is happy to announce that we are finally ready for superheater flues to be replaced in the 165's boiler. We are asking our ardent and generous supporters to please consider donating the funds to purchase one or more of the 24 flues that will be needed to make our locomotive steam again.
The purchase and fabrication cost for each flue is estimated at $350.00, which is of course a tax-deductible contribution. You can watch the progress above on this nifty graphic (Thanks Eugene!) as each flue hole is filled in as the contributions arrive. As an added incentive, each donor who gives $350.00 or more will have his or her name inscribed on the donors plaque, to be mounted in the cab area in perpetuity.
We are lucky that Norm Holmes was able to work an excellent deal for the 2" diameter tubes which we now have in storage on site. The 5 1/2" diameter superheater flues represent the last major components necessary to make the boiler steamable again.
Thanks again for all of your past and future support for the WP 165 restoration and all of the volunteer efforts at the Western Pacific Railroad Museum!
Checks in the amount of $350.00, multiples thereof, or any amount, may be made payable to: FRRS
Please note "165 Flues" on the memo line of your check.
Mail to:
Western Pacific Railroad Museum - 165 Fund
PO Box 608
Portola, CA 96122-0608
Click here to make a donation online.
Thanks again! Have a safe and productive summer season. - JCA
Update 7/17/12: Four more flues donated by James Mason! A big thanks to you James!
Update: Our first flue has been donated by Bob Sims! Thanks for your support Bob!
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Cutaway showing superheater elements and flues. |