WP 165 Restoration Blog

Updates on the restoration of Western Pacific 0-6-0 number 165 at the Western Pacific Railroad Museum at Portola, California.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Spring 2014 Steam Department Update

Hello to all of our friends and followers! Winter has passed us by, and as is the case here in California, we never really had one. Spring is upon us and it is time to start considering what we want to, and can accomplish in the 2014 season. 
Our primary goal for this year should be completing a successful hydrostatic test on the boiler. For this to happen will take a great deal of effort on the part of all of us, but when we pull together, a lot can get done. This is evidenced by last years effort to get the chassis back on its drivers, as well as putting up the rebuilt springs. When we work as a team it can happen. Thanks again to Roger Stabler for funding the spring rehabilitation!

As I write this, the superheater flue material has arrived in Mineral, Washington and they await the swaging on the ends. This will be done by Stathi Pappas and his crew at the Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad. The completed flues will be brought south in June when Stathi’s Porter locomotive number 2 comes back to California for operating dates on several railroads. Thanks to those guys for helping us along with this project. Also thanks again to all of our superheater donors that made this possible! A list of donors is forthcoming.

The Spring work session will be Thursday May 8th through Saturday the 10th.  Someone should be on hand most of that week prior cleaning and priming. Kirk, Dave and Charlie continue this chore, the locomotive is looking far better for it.

We are soon to finish up the welding on the patches after boilermaker Norm Comer completes the fitting of the new metal. We will then be ready for the new rigid and flexible stays. After that there are studs to replace, plugs to make, water glasses to install, and a few other sundry details before we start rolling tubes and flues in. Plans are being made for a full-out two week long session in Portola to get all of this done, more details as they become available.

Again thanks to all of you have been supporting this project, not only with your donations of time, material, and funds, but also with your moral support and kind words of encouragement. That means more to us on the steam crew than you can imagine. See you soon, and have a great Spring season! - JCA

WP 165 in the Portola Roundhouse, October 2nd, 1945 - Bob Sims Collection - FRRS Archives