Looks like the first organized work sessions will start Fri + Sat the 12th+13th.
These will be evening into overnight shifts so the museum is closed, winds are calm, and COOL
We plan to start getting setup shortly after 5pm, if not still hot, and rotating a 2 man minimum crew every few hours depending on when people need a break. If things are going well, we'll push all the way to ~7am, then clean-up, and have breakfast at Sharon's au gratis.
Ken will train people in sand blasting, spraying primer, and painting all surfaces that will be inaccessible after the tanks are re-united with the frame. We would rather not have people getting trained and then split after a few hours unless they can support other evenings.
The planned Fri/Sat evening dates will continue each weekend as required up to the main work session starting Sep. 8th. That's 4 weekends max - Aug 12+13, 19+20, 26+27, and Sep 2+3. If work is going fast, we could drop the 26 and/or 27. In any case, the last weekend Sep 2+3 is targeted for having all the exposed surfaces sand blasted and primed. Weekday sessions are anticipated if we have a minimum crew.
Please have anyone who can support a particular date contact Ken atalcobackshop@gmx.com
Thanks, Bob